
Hello Sunshine!! My name is Clarissa and although I’ll be explaining some things, I’m not The Clarissa Explains it All. Wasn’t that a good show though? Loved watching it growing up!

Do you have a perfect life? Everything going just as you planned it? Then I have bad news, this blog is not for you. This is for the broken women who have been abused by a significant other, a family member or a friend.

After a really dark time in my life, my dream is to help people through their tough situations by encouraging them that it can and will get better. To be someone who can be a little tough when needed to possibly give you the strength that you need to know that you can do this. So, I’m giving this blogging thing a go. We will go on a journey together of ups and downs. You may be thinking “oh gosh, another self help blog” but stay with me! I don’t want to be politically correct and too serious with every post. I want this to be a journey of laughter and fun. Now, I can’t promise that there will not be tears at times and that is A-Okay! Are you ready? Follow me!!