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    From Soaring to Falling

    Have you ever been soaring with happiness because your significant other agreed to let you spend the day with your Mom or your friends for a girls day? You’re laughing and enjoying the events and all of a sudden you get a text that sends you plummeting. The kind of text that makes you wonder if doing something for yourself is even worth it if you have to deal with consequences. Do you wonder if everyone has this kind of relationship? Do you accept this as being normal? Let’s just be real for a moment. It’s not normal. It is not normal for someone to say, “You can go shopping…

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    I turned thirty-two on January 14th and although I was not emotional when I turned thirty, I was for thirty-two. When did I become the age that I used to think was “old”? When did I get here? What have I accomplished? Am I where I thought that I would be from 5 years ago? The answer is, I don’t know and no. I would have never dreamed that I would have to walk through that fire and fight in order to survive. No one does right? I was twenty-eight when I was going through the darkest time of my life. At that time, I wasn’t sure I was going…

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    This is probably the hardest action to do. It is also the most freeing action. Forgiving was the most difficult for me because I hated the ex to point of wishing death would come to him sooner rather than later. Have you ever heard of the saying, “holding onto bitterness is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies”? Who really suffers when you hold onto bitterness, anger, and hate? You do. You have the anger and resentment while the other person lives their life as all things are normal and nothing wrong was ever done. Don’t you want to live in the same freedom? The first step is…