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    To encourage someone is to inspire with courage, spirit, and hope. Who do you look to for inspiration? Is it a parent, a family member, a friend, or maybe a well known author? Encouragement can come from many different sources as long as it is a positive influence and uplifting. During my dark time, my parents were so supportive and encouraging. They have always provided truth–good, bad, and ugly. In fact, my Mom is the one who said that one day I would share my story and help women overcome their abuse and provide hope for them. She was right, as most parents are, and here I am sharing my…

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    Have you ever experienced rejection? If you’re human, I’m sure that you have. Maybe you’ve received it from a family member, an employer, a co-worker, a friend, or a significant other. How did you handle it? Did you internalize it? Did you turn to drugs or alcohol to numb it? Or maybe you turned to meaningless sex with strangers to feel accepted for just a few minutes. Rejection hurts deep and can be hard to overcome but, it’s not impossible. There is something to be said about the way that it is handled. Some people are able to let it roll off of their backs and move forward fairly quickly.…

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    There is nothing quite like a heartbreak. It literally feels like your heart is breaking. Your chest becomes tight, you can’t catch your breath, and you can’t seem to stop the tears from falling down your cheeks. To what lengths do we go to in order to feel better? To feel something other than the pain? Is it drugs and alcohol to numb it just for a moment? Or is it that we jump into another relationship right away to avoid feeling the pain for longer than we are willing to? What if we felt the process of healing? What if we felt all of the broken pieces be put…