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    What kind of relationship are you in? What kind of relationship do you desire? As humans, most of us tend to settle just to have someone to be around in order to not be alone, even if the relationship itself is not a healthy and happy one. Do you put up with being spoken to in a manner that makes you feel unloved and not valued? Do you put up with the lies knowing the truth? Do you put up with the arguing and feeling like you’re constantly defending yourself? Do you put up with the random text that rips you to pieces and leaves you broken? Do you put…

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    I was recently feeling very anxious about going to a local church because I didn’t want anyone asking me why my relationship didn’t work out. I shared this with a friend and that wise person said to me that we do not have to provide an explanation to anyone and we can end the conversation with a simple answer, it didn’t work out. I was reminded that I was not going to church for anyone but God. This was huge for me because all of my life, I have felt that if someone asked me a question, I was obligated to go into the detail of the why. On this…

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    Have you ever been confused because you thought you were going in one direction only to end up in the complete opposite direction. One Monday night after work, I sat on the floor of my closet and cried with utter confusion, frustration, and hurt. It was the moment when I knew that the right step to do was leave, yet I was so torn. Instead of completely leaving, I went and stayed somewhere else for a couple of weeks to think about what it is that I really want. I knew that I deserved better. In fact, I tell everyone who reads my post that they are worth more and…

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    Have you heard of the saying, “trust your gut”? It’s not just a saying, it’s a real thing. You ever get that feeling that you know something is just not right? You don’t know exactly what it is, you just know something is off. Don’t ignore this feeling. So many times we not only ignore this feeling, we also ignore every sign leading up to it. Some of my closest friends always told me not to ignore the signs. The red flags are always there, it’s up to us to acknowledge them. Let’s go over two reasons why we choose to look past them: Afraid of being alone. Being alone…