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    Some people say when you see a butterfly, it represents someone that you know that has passed on beyond this life. Have you ever really thought about the process in which the caterpillar has to go through to become a butterfly? Lately, it’s been something that I think about often. Caterpillars are born creepy crawlers and yet their purpose is to become something beautiful. We are a lot like butterflies in the sense that we are born for a purpose and a lot of times we don’t know what that purpose is in the beginning. Although the transformation process itself is not painful to the caterpillar, our transformation process as humans…

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    Patience In Waiting

    “When I wait, you strengthen my heart” Psalm 27:24 Do you struggle with waiting? We live in a society that everything has to happen NOW. We don’t want to wait for things to happen. We don’t  want to wait for that big purchase. We don’t want to wait for that next job opportunity. We don’t want to wait for that next relationship. We want it all to happen in the present, not the future. For about 6 years now, I’ve gotten several words from different people about waiting for the husband that God has for me and until then, let God be my husband. For someone who has been in…