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    Why are we so hard on ourselves when it comes to our appearance? Why do we not accept ourselves exactly the way that we are? We look in the mirror and point out every flaw to ourselves. Is it because someone else told us those were flaws or is it because you feel like you don’t look as good as someone else does? How many times do you look in the mirror and think, “I wish my boobs were bigger, I wish my hips were smaller, I wish my thighs weren’t so thick, I wish I could have a flat stomach, I wish my butt looked like hers, I wish…

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    It’s an act that happens way too often in today’s society. There is absolutely no justification for it. I don’t care what the excuse is. Some people stay for the kids and that’s an excuse. Judge me if you will but hear me out. How can you provide a happy and stable environment for yourself and family if you’re not happy? You just exist in your day to day routine. You know your significant other is not being faithful to you and he or she is with someone else while you have a family to care for or you’re just alone with your thoughts, waiting for them to return. You…

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    Mother Nature has four seasons, unless you live in South Louisiana then you may experience four seasons in one day. The joke here is to give the weather 15 minutes, it will change. Do you ever wonder if people were put in your life for a season or for a lifetime? How many of you have heard of the character Madea? I remember watching the plays on VHS at a friend’s house when I was in high school. Remember, I’m not old, things just progress fast! haha! There was a part of a play in particular that has stuck with me for years. You can check out the clip here,…

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    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This is a disorder that only war vets dealt with right? That’s what I had always thought because that’s what they would say about people who returned from war. Thank God for those of you who serve our Great Nation! You guys truly sacrifice everything! When I went to my first counseling session and I provided my background and what I was currently dealing with, the counselor stated that some of the reactions could be related to PTSD. I thought, there’s no way because I hadn’t served in war. I haven’t seen death or anything like that. I could not possibly be dealing with PTSD. Well, I…