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Christianity Today


I may get quite a bit of negative feedback from this and that’s okay, I’m prepared. Let’s talk about what Christianity is today versus what is was meant to be.

What does being a Christian mean? Well, we need to first define the word, Christian. A Christian is someone who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ (defined by Google). Now that we know the meaning, let’s dive in.

When you follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, your goal is to strive to be like Christ as he was when he walked on this earth. Jesus was perfect in all things. We, are not perfect and we will never be perfect on this earth. We will make mistakes and we will fail Him everyday BUT He gives us grace and forgives us if we ask for forgiveness.

What I see in churches today really breaks my heart. Churches have become a money empire. It has become a business. It’s not about serving hurting people. It’s not about loving people. It’s not about getting lives saved. It’s not about providing hope to the hopeless. It’s not about God at all. In fact, it’s about a social gathering on Sunday. It’s about who can out perform the other on stage. It’s basically a concert and there’s no worship in it at all. It’s about who can out give the next man financially to become part of a circle. It’s about what church you attend. God is not in it. Quite a number of pastors are giving motivational speeches, not preaching the Word of God.

How many times have you sat in a church service and when it was over you felt like you could take on the world? Does that feeling familiar? Ever paid to hear a motivational speaker or read a great self-help book? Same feeling.

How many times have you sat in a church and felt a conviction in your heart that an area of your life had to change and be redirected toward God? That’s church! That’s God! As I said earlier, we are not perfect. We will ALWAYS have an area of our life that we can redirect toward God.

Yes, it’s cool to attend these mega churches but have you researched any of them? I challenge you to do your research and pay attention. I can give you some of the facts here but then you probably won’t do it for yourself. Just a hint…research how some of these mega churches are connected to the Illuminati. Yea, I said it. You think “OMG there’s NO WAY”. Oh dear sweet friend, there’s such a way! You know why? Some of these pastors were so desperate to become wealthy and famous that they sold their soul to the Devil himself to gain that desire and they are no longer allowed to speak on certain things from the Bible. Their messages are scripted and sometimes false.

They can give you an amazing motivational speech…but are they feeding your soul with the true Word of God? Think on that.

God’s word said that we are to love ALL people. God’s word said to SERVE people. These mega churches are worth BILLIONS and obtaining loans (information found on ministrywatch.com). Why? It’s not to help their members during this pandemic, I can tell you that. It is still expected that members of churches continue to tithe. Tithe on what? Money that they don’t have coming in? Again, research it for yourself. While you’re researching that, research today’s Christian music and how it is also tied to the Illuminati.

See, everything is readily available for you to gain your own knowledge, you just have to be willing to be open and open your own eyes to the truth.

It is so vital that you are careful of who and what you let feed your Spirit. It is vital that you have a relationship with Jesus and seek his face everyday!!!! Not just on the hard days!

I also feel like I have to add this. Being a Christian DOES NOT give you ANY right to judge someone who is not like you. Jesus did not judge a single person by their outward appearance but by their heart. So for all you “Christians” that behave this way, you need to stop and stay home if that’s why you’re going to your social gathering of a church service. I’m sure there’s some skeletons in your closet that you don’t want to be revealed. I said what I said and if I could give you a wink…I would. You are some of the reasons why hurting people that need Jesus don’t come to him and get saved because they see your example of being a Christian and they want nothing to do with it.

For those of you looking for Jesus and want to be saved and begin to live your life in an amazing relationship with God as your Father, repeat this prayer:

“Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. Amen”

If you said this prayer, I’m proud of you for stepping out in Faith. To continue, attend a local church that feeds your Spirit and connect with people. It’s important to have people that you can ask questions to and that will help you with your new journey.

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