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From Soaring to Falling

Have you ever been soaring with happiness because your significant other agreed to let you spend the day with your Mom or your friends for a girls day? You’re laughing and enjoying the events and all of a sudden you get a text that sends you plummeting. The kind of text that makes you wonder if doing something for yourself is even worth it if you have to deal with consequences. Do you wonder if everyone has this kind of relationship? Do you accept this as being normal?

Let’s just be real for a moment. It’s not normal. It is not normal for someone to say, “You can go shopping with your Mom since I’m not going to be home” and later in the day start a thread of text that are degrading and belittling. All you wanted to do was spend time with someone close to you and that moment is now ruined. You are now shut down and wrapped up in a text war. Panic starts to set in because you feel like you need to hurry home so further damage is not done.

After this behavior takes place multiple times, you start turning down invitations because its easier than taking a chance on a war beginning and him having a reason to leave. You end up alone 90% of the time because he isn’t home is he? No, he’s with his friends or doing whatever it is that he wants to do. This is his way of controlling you. This is his way of making sure that you are not close to anyone who you may open up to that would encourage you to leave him. THIS IS NOT NORMAL!!!

The Narcissist can not handle the thought of people viewing him in any ill mannered way. He will paint a false picture of you that depicts you to be unstable and “crazy”. He will spin it in a way that it is all your fault that he had to seek a relationship outside of his own to share his hardships with.

It’s time to start standing up for yourself. Reconnect with your family and friends. Schedule a spa day for yourself. Heck, go on vacation with some of your girlfriends or family. YOU ARE WORTH SO MUCH MORE!!! Pick your head up, take a deep breath, square up your shoulders and find your strength to walk out. You deserve the world Sis and he won’t give that to you because it will always be about himself.

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