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Why are we so hard on ourselves when it comes to our appearance? Why do we not accept ourselves exactly the way that we are? We look in the mirror and point out every flaw to ourselves. Is it because someone else told us those were flaws or is it because you feel like you don’t look as good as someone else does?

How many times do you look in the mirror and think, “I wish my boobs were bigger, I wish my hips were smaller, I wish my thighs weren’t so thick, I wish I could have a flat stomach, I wish my butt looked like hers, I wish my “lil girl” was prettier”? Well, I can relate because I’ve done this myself. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. Yea, I know it’s kind of personal but its real. Why do we do that to ourselves? I’ve always struggled with self-acceptance. This isn’t since my relationship with the Narcissist. For me, it started with I was probably 12 when I would watch my cousins get all dressed up to out to the club or just hang out with some guys and I wanted that. I wanted someone to look at me like the guys looked at them.

It wasn’t healthy for me to think that way at 12 years old. Why was I even worried about a guy at 12? Looking back, its ridiculous! Its one of many things I would go back and change if I could, but I can’t. If you are already in the state of mind that you need someone to tell you that you’re perfect, then you have already started off on the wrong foot as I did.

A Narcissist can pick up on those insecurities in an instant and will swoop in to save the day. He/She will tell you everything that you are wanting to hear. How beautiful you are. How perfect you are. They will even tell you that they love you within a very short period of time because its what you want to hear. It’s what you long for and you think, “I finally found him/her.”

It doesn’t take long for those insecurities to be doubled and tripled because they will no longer say that you’re beautiful or perfect. That changes to, “you’re fat, you don’t look like you used to, your hair is too long, your hair is too dark, your skin is bad, you need to go to the gym, you need to tan” and the list goes on and on. You begin to accept what they say. You don’t see that you are beautiful and that you are enough.

I want to you to join me in a challenge. I was us to look in the mirror everyday and tell ourselves, “YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, YOU ARE STRONG, and YOU ARE WORTH IT!” Will you take the challenge with me?


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