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Stop Defending Yourself

How often do we feel the need to share our side of the story?

Was it a disagreement that took place between you and a friend or family member and as a result, you removed yourself from that relationship? In doing so, people asked, “what happened” and either you shared your side or simply stated that you chose to no longer be a part of the negative situation or the toxic relationship.

Was it a breakup with a significant other that you were finally able to break free from? If it was a Narcissistic relationship, the Narcissist will go to every length possible to paint YOU as the crazy one. They’ll tell lies that so believable that others will question if they ever knew you at all.

Was it a work related incident?  Were you let go or fired for something that didn’t make sense? Was it because you wouldn’t throw someone else under the bus? Was it because you didn’t admit to a situation that you truly had nothing to admit to? Like because you were under pressure, you were supposed to agree? One day you were there, gone the next and people started asking questions and were being told that it was “mutual” when in fact, it wasn’t, as it was not an option.

Human nature is to expose their lies and tell our side of the story. We feel like we have to defend ourselves and make the truth of it known but sometimes it’s better to just let go and let God. God reveals all lies and sheds light on all darkness.

Maybe it was nothing of the above and just a decision that you made for yourself or your family? Maybe a better job opportunity that would result in relocating to a new city/state, leaving the corporate world to chase your dream, or becoming a stay-at-home parent. Your decisions do not have to be explained to anyone. You DO NOT have to defend yourself!


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