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Photo by Brendan Church on Unsplash

Have you ever been confused because you thought you were going in one direction only to end up in the complete opposite direction.

One Monday night after work, I sat on the floor of my closet and cried with utter confusion, frustration, and hurt. It was the moment when I knew that the right step to do was leave, yet I was so torn.

Instead of completely leaving, I went and stayed somewhere else for a couple of weeks to think about what it is that I really want. I knew that I deserved better. In fact, I tell everyone who reads my post that they are worth more and deserve better. I needed to take my own advice.

Yet here I was, surrounded by confusion. I thought we were heading in one direction with an agreement to take things day by day to receiving a text that it was over and it wouldn’t work to getting another text asking me to go back home. I go back. Fast forward to two weeks later, we’re back in the same place and its over again and having to pack everything back up at midnight.

This is not normal. Someone who is in a healthy state of mind and knows what he/she wants in life will not be unsettled. If you’re in a situation where you feel more confused and unsettled waiting for the explosion to come, leave now. You already know the outcome in your heart. Why continue?

You can not have a successful relationship if you have unresolved things in your life. You have to seek the guidance of a counselor or psychologist to help you work through them. If you don’t, you will constantly be on the defense and push the closest people away. You will never feel settled. You will always have a negative outlook on everything in your life. You will pick apart someone else and then hurt them before they hurt you. There is nothing wrong with talking with someone who is completely unbiased and is able to see into the situation from a different angle.

Don’t ever let someone make you question where you stand with them. Don’t ever let them confuse you with going back and forth of wanting to be with you and then changing their mind. The person that God has for you, will never make you feel confused.



  • tamma miller

    This is so very true. Sometimes loving someone isn’t enough. I just wish I would have walked away when I knew I should of. Time and happiness is too precious to waste.

    • Clarissa

      We have to value our self-worth more than anyone else and if we aren’t being treated the way we deserve, its time to move on. I’m just glad that you were able to walk away, even it did take longer than you would have liked.