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We are always given choices. We can choose how we live. We can choose our careers. We can choose to be the best version of ourselves. We can choose to be selfish or selfless. We can choose not to care about anything and have the mentality of FTW. We can choose to be positive during the tougher situations and know that “this too shall pass” or we can be negative and state why it’s bad and won’t improve. Choices will always be a part of our lives whether we want them to be or not.

Getting out of a bad relationship:

Have you ever noticed that when you choose to get out of a bad relationship, you’re tested the most? Sometimes you feel like you’re challenged with different obstacles that cause you to become discouraged. Maybe those obstacles are housing, finances, support or even the loss of family. Instead of pushing forward, because it is what is best for you and your wellbeing, you throw in the towel and give up and stay because that seems easier. With making that decision, you’ve put your happiness on the back burner.  Instead, don’t give up! Straighten your back and stand tall and look your situation the eye and deal with it. Stand up for yourself! You deserve to be with someone who is going to see your worth and love you fiercely, no matter what!

Being faithful to one person:

Have you noticed when you make a decision to be faithful to one person for the rest of your life, you are tempted to falter on your vows? What choice are you going to make? Stay faithful or give into temptation? No one will find out if you give in just once, right? Wrong! It always comes to light. The result of that can cause so much hurt and pain for all parties involved. The one time can result is  pregnancy, STDs, loss of your spouse, depression, etc. Is it worth it for 15 minutes of pleasure with someone different? Maybe that person showed you some attention. So what? Be an adult and sit your significant other down and tell them that attention from them is lacking and you need it. Period. If that is not improved, walk away. Don’t cheat.

Making changes:

Maybe your choices involve staying or moving to another city or state. Maybe its a change in careers. During this process, you fight with self-doubt and question if you’re making the right decision. You fight internally with your heart, mind and emotions. The answer is to pray about it and seek guidance. If you feel like its the path that God has for you, press forward.

Eating better:

Now, let’s talk about the “diet” that you made a pact with yourself to start. You made a promise to yourself to make better food choices and someone brings cookies or cupcakes to the office. What is your next move? Eat it or walk away? Maybe sugar isn’t your struggle. Maybe its chips, pasta or breads. You can give into the temptation and enjoy it for a couple of minutes and no harm done. The result of that choice is, you’ll have broken another promise to yourself and be disappointed with your decision to indulge. Is the disappointment you know you will feel after worth it? I’d say its not. If you pass on this temporary moment, you will feel a sense of pride in yourself for not giving in.

Before making a decision of any kind, weigh out the possible outcome of it. Pray about it. Write down the pros and cons. If it is something that you continue to feel a pull toward, take the ball and just go for it! Take the chance!! Its okay to fail! You will have the chance to get back up and try a different route.

Remember, you DO NOT have to allow other people’s pressure for you to make a decision affect your choice. If someone is pressuring you, take a step back. This will allow you to take the time you need to process everything as a whole. If they walk away because you took a step back, let them go.


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