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What do you crave? Is it sugar? It is junk food? It is tacos? Haha! I like tacos too! Is it sex? Is it attention? Is it peace? What is it?

If you know me personally, you know my favorite food group is anything sweet with lots of sugar. I know…unhealthy. Because of that, I have to watch the amount of it that I intake  and with a family history of diabetes, I try not to take in much as I get older. And besides that, it’s harder to lose weight as we get older.

On the physical side of cravings, I once craved attention from men. I’m not going to sugar coat this in any way. If I sent a text and I didn’t get a response in the amount of time I wanted, I’d send an inappropriate picture to get their attention and that got a response. It soon became a habit. Now, this was ONLY done when I was single. Otherwise, the person I was with received these types of pictures and no one else.

I would also post pictures of my weight loss or bathing suit pics on social media to gain attention from men. I said I wasn’t going to sugar coat it. Those are facts.

I’m also here to tell you, I no longer do those things for a number of reasons. One, I’m saved by the grace of God. Two, I am a Christian woman and I know to many people the title “Christian” leaves a bad taste in your mouth and listen, I get it! A lot of Christian people…aren’t Christian at all. They just want the title for their social gatherings at a church. Some of those same people can be the most judgmental of them all and that’s the OPPOSITE of what Jesus was. I could go on and on about this subject but I’ll save that for another post. Three, I am confident within myself and I know that my affirmations come from Jesus alone and he says that I am enough just the way that I am. He also says, he loves me…no matter what.

Now to back up a moment, I only use any modest weight-loss photos as motivation for others and to let them know, if I can do it…so can they.

As I scroll through social media today, I see so many women crying out for attention by posting what is…let’s just be honest… nude photos. They may be disguising it as some health product or weight-loss or something else…but it’s porn. So you covered your breast with something…still porn. You’re wanting to represent the new lingerie you received and its company…still porn. Remember…not sugar coating it. What happens when those pictures don’t get the response they’re craving with likes and double heart taps? Do the pictures get more risqué until the response is received? It breaks my heart because I was once there and until they are set free like I was, it will continue. (You can also research the Jezebal Spirit because that’s what it truly is)

I want you to know, you don’t have to seek attention in that manner. You don’t know who sees those images and what is done with them. In today’s time, those images could be brought to someone else with the anticipation of removing you from your environment and sold into Human Trafficking. This is VERY REAL right now. This is no longer a subject that is on movies or in books that we read…it happens more locally than we can fathom. Keep this in mind…is the attention you’re craving that important to risk your life or the life of someone else?

We all know what our motive is behind a posted picture. Are you honest with yourself about your own motive?

Give the craving for attention from men to God and let him heal your hurt and your wounds that are causing you to seek attention in a negative way.

You first have to have respect for yourself before anyone else will have respect for you.

You are a daughter of a King! (Galations 3:26)