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Words are so important as they have the power to build someone up and make them feel loved or to tear someone down and make them feel unwanted.

Are you mindful of the way that you talk to others? Has someone said that what or how you say things are coming across to them as impatient, hurtful or harsh? When stressed or upset, we tend to talk in a more harsh tone even though we’re not meaning to do so. I’m at fault for doing this when I’m stressed more than usual or feeling very overwhelmed and someone asks me for one more thing.

None of us are perfect and no one should expect us to be. We have bad days and bad moods. Is that an excuse? No, not at all. The difference is, are we willing to apologize and make a conscious effort to be more aware of our tone and words that we’re choosing during those times?

Words can ruin relationships and break a person down further than any physical abuse could do. I always said that I’d prefer to be physically abused than verbally abused because bruises and broken bones heal and life goes on. Words on the other hand, are constantly played on repeat in my mind. Can you relate? Others can see bruises on your body and you can make up a story as to how it happened but what is unseen, are the scars left on your heart.

Let’s look at some Biblical scriptures regarding words:

  • “Evil words destroy one’s friends; wise discernment rescues the Godly.” -Proverbs 11:9
  • “Your own soul is nourished when you are kind, but you destroy yourself when you are cruel.” -Proverbs 11:17
  • “Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.” -Proverbs 15:4

Let’s stop tearing each other down because of emotions and insecurities and start building each other up and be encouraging. Let’s take a step back when we’re stressed and overwhelmed and even ask for a moment to regroup. This will allow us time to talk and respond in the right way.

Speak words of life, not death.