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    Stop Defending Yourself

    How often do we feel the need to share our side of the story? Was it a disagreement that took place between you and a friend or family member and as a result, you removed yourself from that relationship? In doing so, people asked, “what happened” and either you shared your side or simply stated that you chose to no longer be a part of the negative situation or the toxic relationship. Was it a breakup with a significant other that you were finally able to break free from? If it was a Narcissistic relationship, the Narcissist will go to every length possible to paint YOU as the crazy one.…

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    Some people say when you see a butterfly, it represents someone that you know that has passed on beyond this life. Have you ever really thought about the process in which the caterpillar has to go through to become a butterfly? Lately, it’s been something that I think about often. Caterpillars are born creepy crawlers and yet their purpose is to become something beautiful. We are a lot like butterflies in the sense that we are born for a purpose and a lot of times we don’t know what that purpose is in the beginning. Although the transformation process itself is not painful to the caterpillar, our transformation process as humans…

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    Brodie’s Story: From Death to Life

    Brodie’s story is not one of your typical “I was curious about drugs” stories. His story is about pain and hurt and trying to escape them. His testimony is powerful and he will share it all over the world one day. He gives all praise to God for bringing him from death to life. “It started with abuse in my childhood. I remember when my Dad was drunk, he would throw my Mom around and I would scream and beg him to stop while trying to comfort my little brother. The verbal and physical abuse went on for years and it was enough to make a child just want to…

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    I shared a post on facebook that stated, “If it doesn’t open, it’s not your door” and I received a text that stated, “not necessarily, sometimes you have to knock the door down. Nothing comes easy in life. Its ok to work for it and not give up just when it doesn’t open. Don’t be misinformed by today’s society” and it really made me think in a different perspective. So often we hear that if it’s meant to be, then it will be. Yet, how can it be if we aren’t willing to make sacrifices and push ourselves to accomplish our dreams? We tend to sit back and wait for…

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      We are always given choices. We can choose how we live. We can choose our careers. We can choose to be the best version of ourselves. We can choose to be selfish or selfless. We can choose not to care about anything and have the mentality of FTW. We can choose to be positive during the tougher situations and know that “this too shall pass” or we can be negative and state why it’s bad and won’t improve. Choices will always be a part of our lives whether we want them to be or not. Getting out of a bad relationship: Have you ever noticed that when you choose…

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      I’m distracted, a lot. The sad part is, I’m aware that I need to refocus on what I was doing. For example, I’ll start praying and I hear my phone vibrate and think, “I need to check that” and I really don’t. That text, weather update or email can and should wait. I’m starting my day off by talking to God and he should have my undivided attention. I know this is a distraction for me so I fixed it. I set my phone not to vibrate when turned on silent and I place it facedown to eliminate the possibility of distraction during my prayer time. We can also…

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    According to the dictionary, Depression is defined as a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. There are more than one reasons to experience this. One of those reasons can be a result of sexual, physical, mental or verbal abuse. For me it was being in a relationship with a Narcissist and Sociopath and the verbal and mental abuse that comes with it. The following are some of the symptoms (taken from Healthline.com) that you may experience during times of depression: sadness tiredness trouble focusing or concentrating unhappiness anger irritability frustration loss of interest in pleasurable or fun activities sleep issues (too much or too little)…

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    Words are so important as they have the power to build someone up and make them feel loved or to tear someone down and make them feel unwanted. Are you mindful of the way that you talk to others? Has someone said that what or how you say things are coming across to them as impatient, hurtful or harsh? When stressed or upset, we tend to talk in a more harsh tone even though we’re not meaning to do so. I’m at fault for doing this when I’m stressed more than usual or feeling very overwhelmed and someone asks me for one more thing. None of us are perfect and…

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    Have you ever experienced rejection? If you’re human, I’m sure that you have. Maybe you’ve received it from a family member, an employer, a co-worker, a friend, or a significant other. How did you handle it? Did you internalize it? Did you turn to drugs or alcohol to numb it? Or maybe you turned to meaningless sex with strangers to feel accepted for just a few minutes. Rejection hurts deep and can be hard to overcome but, it’s not impossible. There is something to be said about the way that it is handled. Some people are able to let it roll off of their backs and move forward fairly quickly.…

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    Why are we so hard on ourselves when it comes to our appearance? Why do we not accept ourselves exactly the way that we are? We look in the mirror and point out every flaw to ourselves. Is it because someone else told us those were flaws or is it because you feel like you don’t look as good as someone else does? How many times do you look in the mirror and think, “I wish my boobs were bigger, I wish my hips were smaller, I wish my thighs weren’t so thick, I wish I could have a flat stomach, I wish my butt looked like hers, I wish…